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Tools for Team Assembly

We need empathy, creativity and discipline at the top of the project. We use assessment tools to get this right on your project.

Once you get the business case right, the next most important decision you will make is the team. Decades of experience tell us that choosing the right team for a project comes down to the people assigned to the project. The companies matter but not nearly as much as the people.

When you ask the fee or cost question properly, there is little to no variation between companies. That’s why we use a qualifications based selection process for the people who will be assigned to the project.

Our experience tells us how the representatives from the Owner, Contractor and Architect organisations work together is critical for success. We need empathy, creativity and discipline at the top of the project. People who are strong in all three of these traits are unicorns. We need to build this in aggregate in your team.

Énska uses psychometric tools to test candidates for roles as we assemble your project team. The image below represents a balanced team. Unfortunately, most design and construction teams are clustered in the bottom right. Great things happen when we use team assembly tools to balance this out.


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